Friday, March 13, 2009

shining B-girl

Again, another post for the Grandma's....but I'm loving hearing the "shout-outs" to my kiddos from my friends. Thank you, dear friends....

I received this email from Chloe's kindergarten teacher today. My Little Miss has been working hard on her sight-word lists. Remembering when I forget, to do her "home-work". She's got some perfectionist tendencies. If she misses a word on the 22 word list of sight words, she starts over until she reads them all correct. That's determination ! I pray that she carries that determination forward in all that she does.

I don't try to examine where she gets that perfectionist stuff from. That requires more self-reflection than I am capable of, on this cold, wet day. I'll just say......that Mr B & I are quite driven. I always tell my kids to "do their best". And that they can always be proud of what the outcome was, as long as they gave it their all.

Well here is what the sweet teacher said about my Chloe and giving it her all.

My "B-girl" is always an A+ in my grade book....

"Chloe has finished all 11 sight-word lists and will begin her "1st Grade Workbook in Kindergarten" on Monday! I also gave her our Star Reading Test and she did EXCELLENT! Chloe is reading at a level equal to that of a typical first grader in the sixth month of school! I am very proud of her! She will also start a new homework folder that will consist of nightly reading of an A.R. book on her level that she can test on it. I think this will keep her challenged and she'll enjoy it. Thank you for all of your support in helping your little girl to succeed! Be proud of her and celebrate this weekend!"


Anonymous said...

Chloe, I'm really proud of you being such a good reader. Reading is very important because you use it in everything. The email from your teacher was really great and sounds like she likes to give you a challenge which is good. I know you will do a good job with that.
Love You
G'ma Ruth

Shannon said...

Sounds like the Chloe apple does not fall far from the tree! Good for her. I love it when kids start to read. Does my heart good. Momma and papa should be very proud!

Schallert Family said...

Way to go Chloe! You are one smart cookie! Casey says he is proud of you too and can't wait to learn to read like you can. It is great that her teacher is willing to challenge her and sounds like she is ready for the opportunity. Keep up the good work girl!